Monday, November 14, 2022

Scrapbooking Holiday Baking/Recipe Album



I had so much fun creating these with different paper collections. This is the Sugar & Spice collection from Country Craft Creations. This one, by far, was my most favorite!
Some of these were listed in my Etsy Shop, if you would like one, but don't see it listed, send me an email with the paper collection of choice and I will create one for you, or if you are a papercrafter, the video above will provide a complete tutorial for you.


Base: (2) 6" x 12" scored on the 12" side @ 3/4" and 6-3/4"
Pockets: (2) 5-7/8" x 12" scored on the 12" side @ 4-1/4", 7-1/4", and 10-1/4"
Bellybands: 2-1/4" x 7", scored on the 7" side @ 1/2" and 6-1/2"

Pocket Mats: (2) 1-5/8" x 5-3/4"
(2) 1" x 5-3/4"
(2) 1-1/8" x 5-3/4"
(2) 1-1/2" x 5-3/4"

(4) 5-1/8" x 5-7/8"
(2) 5/8" x 5-7/8"

Front/Back Cover: (2) 5-7/8" x 5-7/8"
Bellybands: 2-18" x 5-7/8"

I hope you enjoy creating these, too. Perfect to capture the holiday baking memories in an album with photos and journaling.

Until next time, happy creating.


  1. Super cute album! What a great gift idea. Thank you for taking the time to list all those cutting guide measurements.
